Prevent,阻止、阻礙、阻撓。Pvent doing sth,阻止做某事。Pvent sb from doing sth,阻止某人做某事。Pvent通常會接所有格形容詞+動名詞或接受詞+from+動名詞。當主詞沒有必要列出時,Pvent可以直接接動名詞,也可以接名詞。
You can't Pvent my leaving.
You can't Pvent me from leaving.
I want to Pvent his getting sick.
I want to Pvent him from getting sick.
This campaign is designed to Pvent drowning.
Preventing stealing is our main goal this year.
We are working to Pvent forest fires.
This vaccine will Pvent malaria.
時間:2023-09-16 21:0:39invention可數嗎
時間:2023-09-13 09:0:04地球大氣層從低到高依次是
時間:2023-09-18 07:0:54宇文新州之懿范句式
時間:2023-09-21 15:0:08